30 Day No Shopping Challenge

no-shopping-9am-5pm  I’m tired of looking in my closet and frantically going through piles and piles clothes and running between my closets and still end up with nothing. You know the feeling. All I can think of is, all this time and money I spend shopping for clothes and I never seem to be able to find anything to wear when I need to pull an outfit for an event or just a normal day out.

 Being in my line of work I have access to all sorts of clothes and I always find deals and come home with bags of clothes. Unfortunately when I think about it, at the end of the day, I’m just stuffing my closet and creating more of a headache for myself. This problem came more visible for me after I had to pack all my clothes while moving homes. It was horrible, clothes EVERYWHERE!!!!

 Since I’m planning to move again very soon, I decided to challenge myself with “30 Day Of No Shopping!”. It’s going to be hard, temptations at every corner and lots of weak moments. I think keeping the great outcomes from finishing this challenge would keep me from spending my money on unimportant things. Saving money and having a clutter free closet makes everyone happy and ready to face anything. Now, starting today till May 6th, I will follow the rules below:

1. No frivolous shopping of any kind; clothes, makeup, nail polish, shoes etc.

2. No spending of money unless is for gas, food, transportation and health related.

3. Sort my closet and donate things that I haven’t worn for years…yes, YEARS! sighhh….

I will post weekly updates on the blog and share my thoughts and the challenges I faced with you all here. Meantime if any of you guys have any tips and words of wisdom and encouragement for me leave a comment on this post. I will share my favourite ones with everyone on my updates.


PS. Keep an eye on my count down widget to the top right of the page…. May 6th, here I come!!!

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